



2023 Yueyi Paper Team Building-Surfing

    Half Moon Bay on the shore of Daya Bay, with gentle breeze and gentle waves, is full of beauty. Half Moon Bay on the shore of Red Bay is rough and imposing.

    Surrounded by the sea on three sides, Shuangyue Bay is picturesque. Like a dragon going out to sea, like a pair of dragons playing with a pearl, the movement is appropriate, and it is very magnificent!

    Sailing 2023, build dreams and create greater glories

    Life is never achieved overnight, and occasionally you have to stop and go, eat, drink, play and 

    record. The team building check-in is successful, and we are fully charged!

    We must take everything in life seriously, maintain enthusiasm for life, be positive about work, 

    be responsible for life, and then shine in the field we are good at!

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